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Canadian Population Studies Annual Meeting Now Virtual [Paper Submissions Due 2-1-21]

Posted: 1/24/2021 (Conference)

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation and based on a survey of CPS members conducted in Fall 2020, the 2021 CPS Annual Meeting will be held remotely. For more information, see the Call for papers. The deadline to submit is February 1, 2021. Abstracts should be submitted to Notification about accepted papers will be sent to corresponding authors beginning on March 1, 2021. Graduate students are especially welcome to participate in the Conference. Each year, the CPS holds a competition for the best student paper, awarding the winner with a $500 cash prize. Further details on the competition are included in the Call for Papers. Session themes for CPS 2021 include mortality; morbidity and health; family; immigration and migration; social diversity; labour market and education; fertility; Indigenous demographics; sex, gender and sexuality; COVID-19 and other topics. The conference will also feature some fun social events! The CPS strongly encourages all persons attending the conference to “renew” their membership fees. All attendees to the conference are expected to be paid members of the Association. Questions about the conference may be directed to the Organizing Committee Chair, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée (